Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The show goes on...

Saturday evening my theatre company presented a new and original piece, A Look Back at Angola through Radio, 1932. My friend and theatre colleague Erin White and I researched and wrote the piece. We spent hours at the Carnegie Library here in Angola going back in time and finding all the great information from 1932. We found a whiskey raid, a lost cat, a bridge party at Pokagon, the opening of the Brokaw theatre. My Dad told me that theatres stayed open all day on Saturday so that folks could just go to the theatre and not put the heat into their homes on Saturday. The Brokaw did just that on Saturdays from 2 until after midnight. We advertised men's overhauls for 59 cents and boys for 39 cents.

By Saturday evening we had costumes of the 30's direct from my collection of Goodwill Theatre clothes. We had a wonderful time as did the crowd. It was good to help with the United Way fund raiser.

We ended with a late night cast party here at White Picket Gardens. No one really wanted to leave after such a successful evening. Finally the last car pulled away. I just let the champagne glasses and dishes wait until morning. I love putting a good show to rest!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A look back in time...

Last night I walked down to the Brokaw Theatre...a quiet night to myself to watch a film. It had just started snow as I bought my ticket and went into the small darkened theatre. When the movie was over, and I stepped outside, it was like stepping into the 1930's. Everything was covered with snow and it was swirling around the mound. I actually stood twirling in the city street. I walked slowly home letting the snow hit my eyelashes and cover my hair.

I slept with the curtains wide open so I could see the storm if I woke in the night. By morning we had a winter wonderland. I spent the morning taking photos...walking to the University to have lunch with Karen, walking to town for candles and coffee. It was a lovely day, and it is still snowing!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

And the snow keeps falling...

With a trip to Indy canceled for me because of weather and the driving in my county shut down, it was one of those cozy, lazy nights. Sometimes when I have a full calendar of events (and then some!), it is nice to have everything canceled and just have time to sit at home and watch the snow fall. I walked down to Rachael's to meet with Erin about the Spoken Word Production and a new show we have coming up, and slowly walked home through a world of a shaken up snow globe. It was absolutely beautiful. Serene. Silent. Home.

The evening was spent warming up split pea soup, lighting candles in all the rooms, reading, and keeping the kettle full of hot water for hot chocolate. Sigh. Everyone should have a snow evening once in a while.

Lou Ann

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Girl's Pot Luck

The first Monday night of the month, my house at the White Picket Gardens opens it's doors and welcomes women from all walks of life. They are all ages, all occupations, and have nothing in common as well as everything.

We celebrate our birthdays, our joys and problems as well. We have all become good friends in the process. This past Monday night one of the girls brought nose warmers for all of us to wear. (In case you didn't know, it has been really cold in Indiana this Winter!!) We called a neighbor over to take our photo!

So, if you have nothing wonderful to do on the first Monday night of the month, come on over! 6:00 and bring something to share for the potluck, as well as a story or two!!

Lou Ann

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...