Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Blizzard

We all knew it would come...just when was the question. Ahhh, that has now been answered, today. The forecasters were predicting this serious storm, but did not put such magnitude on it until yesterday...winter blizzard. The word 'blizzard' conjures up such thoughts...hot chocolate..climbing out of upstairs windows...tying a clothesline to the back porch and to the barn for chores...cows stranded for days. Well, maybe not quite that far (except for the hot chocolate), but nonetheless, it is here and with a vengence. No School!! Oh, sorry, I am one of the teachers. (Who said snow days were for the kids?)

My house is cozy this blizzard..lots of food in the cupboards, my guitar resting on the couch...books flung open to pages of interest...old fashioned sugar cookies cooling on the counter..nice warm heat...no frozen pipes!!

It is a wonderful feeling to have everything closed, I mean, even the library! To know that we are all in homes cozied up. I have a turkey in the oven as Aaron and Karen and the boys were trudge over at 5 for a shared dinner. The boys will play, we will talk about the blizzard, that is what one does. Who knows, we might still be talking about it tomorrow??? I'll let you know.

Lou Ann

Lou Ann Homan-Saylor lives in Angola, Indiana which is nestled in the hills of Northern Indiana. When she is home at the White Picket Gardens you can find her gardening or writing late into the night under the light of her frayed scarlet lamp. She is a storyteller, a teacher, a writer, an actress and a collector of front porch stories.

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...