Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Groaning houses

Heavy thick fog swirls about my back porch light. It is unusual to have such fog close to the house....it is like a soft gray blanket. The old house likes this soft sweetness as it begins to fill up with family for Thanksgiving. Adam and Tonya arrived on Friday and settled into the Bridal Suite room...Abe and Kristin along with my Blue Moon Baby, Holly, arrive tonight. Tonya and I are driving to the Fort Wayne airport to pick them up. All the rooms are cozy and ready.

Aaron and Karen and the boys are in and out as well although the boys have to give up their room for this additional company! The refrigerator has been stocked, oh, two or three times already as it seems as if this is the meet-and-greet house for meals.

The old house is ready, today is my last day of school....ahhh, let the Holidays begin!

Lou Ann Homan-Saylor lives in Angola, Indiana which is nestled in the hills of Northern Indiana and spends her summers on the wind swept island of Ocracoke. You can find her gardening or writing late into the night under the light of her frayed scarlet lamp. She is a storyteller, a teacher, a writer, an actress and a collector of front porch stories.

Monday, November 19, 2007

My column!

My journey is long as I travel back to Ocracoke. The mode of transportation changes as I shift from cars and planes to ferries and bikes. It is good to be back with my island friends and settle into my other life, even if it is only for a few days.
The air feels cool and I am glad I tossed in my black cape and scarf for these events. It is refreshing after the heat of the summer. I am enveloped in the scent of the island…the junipers and cedars. They are strong this time of year. The colors are not vibrant like those back home in Indiana, but the slanting of the sun and the color of the ocean shows me deep Autumn is here as well.

This is, however, not a vacation nor just a wandering of my spirit…no, my mission is certain….a wedding and a murder. Not exactly in that order and neither events are mine personally… at least I hope not. Actually each event has nothing to do with the other except coincidences. First of all, it is the murder that takes me to Ocracoke. Hmmm, that doesn’t sound so great either. The execution of a murder? OK, here’s the story. I plan and implement murder week ends….for fun. Folks can sign up for these, pay for the event, dress up and play act for three days. The events are always a Pink Panther Who-Dun-It event with the dead guy always showing up at the door as a traveling attorney. This one is full of mystery and intrigue involving pirates and a hurricane. (Well, we are on an island in the Atlantic!) The date is 1823 and the storm rages. (Luckily for me it is cold and the wind is blowing.)

It is Friday night and we meet for ghost stories. The Cove B & B where I am working is directly on the Sound side of the island and the wind is howling. The twenty guests are shy and the name tags have only character names. I am thinking that in less than twenty-four hours we will all be pretending it is 1823 and one of us (them!) will be dead. Our name tags are indicative of long ago times: Reuben, Liza Jane, Billy B. and the list goes on. After a tale from Poe I send them all shivering to their beds.

Saturday dawns cold and sunny with the wind still whipping across the Atlantic. The ferries are running as I hear their whistle, but they could be shut down any minute because of the wind and then we all become captives of the island. I meet with all the characters and dispel fears of acting. This is to be an improv evening. Everyone knows the synopsis of their character, but no lines have been written. It is live theatre. It is exciting. Most will spend the afternoon thinking about their character or walking around the village. It is too cold and windy for the beach.

Now I change out of murder clothes to attend the outdoor marriage of two islanders, born and bred on the island. This wedding is to be held outdoors and we, the guests, are bundled up for it in several layers as the wind howls. The trellises are decorated with Autumn leaves and the bridal party strolls through the pathway in the woods. The maid of honor is 103 years old. Her name is Muzel and she is the oldest living person that I have ever known. She actually stands for most of the ceremony even though she is held up by two young stout men. Ahhh, the marriage is complete, we all clap and cheer, hug and congratulate. I am happy to have been privy to this lovely ceremony. But now…off to the murder. I go and change back into my 1823 pirate’s dress, review my own notes. I play the town gossip and having written the show, I need to remember everything I have told my characters. The costumes are divine…some rented, some store bought and the murder begins. We play for five hours straight. The stories become entangled and I often think, did I write that????? The dead guy dies right on time and eventually the murder is solved. I hand out trophies to the best actor, actress and best costumes.

It is late, but all is well. A murder. A marriage. All in one cold windy week end on my island in the Atlantic.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Falling snow and the election...

Dear Folks,

There must be the mention of the first snowfall of the season...OK, it didn't amount to much or accumulate...oh, but it was wonderful. The kids at school were delighted. We all had to gawk at the windows and then go outside...what else is there to do but go outside?

The trees are still stunning....this Autumn has just gone on and on. It was a magical day of falling butterscotch colored leaves and frosty snow. It was also election day and quite a big day at that. On Monday evening I hosted by All Girl's Pot Luck. The house was brimming with women of all ages...birthday cakes, a fabulous fall cake by Karen, homemade soups, deviled eggs, salads, and end of garden garnishes. My friends are such great cooks.

We spent a great deal of time talking about our up and coming show in February and the elections. Opinions were varied as they should be. My friend, Kathy, stayed late to help clean up and talk politics. As a side note, they all wanted to just write my name on the ballot. Now there is a thought. It was a close race with just a fifty point variance. The incumbent, Dick Hickman, was re-elected. My article in the paper this week will address him and hold him to promises.

Hope you got out and voted as well!!

Lou Ann

Lou Ann Homan-Saylor lives in Angola, Indiana which is nestled in the hills of Northern Indiana. You can find her gardening or writing late into the night under the light of her frayed scarlet lamp. She is a storyteller, a teacher, a writer, an actress and a collector of front porch stories.

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...