Friday, June 30, 2006

An Island Girl?

Yesterday morning we took the 6:00 a.m. ferry heading towards Norfolk for a Dr.'s appointment for Philip. We arrived back home at 6:00 p.m. It was a twelve hour day for the one appointment...part of living on an island.

We had thought of all kinds of wonderful activities we could do...go to the dinner out in a lovely restaurant...maybe shop..... In actuality, by the time we (Philip) dealt with the traffic in Norfolk and Nags Head and the heat and humidity, we just decided to go on home.

It was so refreshing to get away from all of that as we got on the ferry. The breezes were cool coming off the Pamlico Sound..seagulls overhead were trying to snatch pieces of homemade bread that we nibbled on.

When we arrived home we packed away the few purchases...blackberries as big as half dollars and ripe peaches. We invited neighbors, John and Chris, over for our Sunset on the Pizer and watched the dripping red ball of sun go down over the island. When they left, John said stay out for a while and I will serenade you on my fiddle.

We lit the old oil lamp on the pizer, sat on the swing and listenied to fiddle tunes drifting across and over the youpans and cedars. Lightning flashed in the dark sky as the day ended.

Yes, it is good to be home, even after twelve hours!

Lou Ann Homan is a writer, teacher, and storyteller who lives in Northern Indiana, but spends all of her summers on Ocracoke Island. She is available for writing seminars, storytelling, and speaking engagements. She can be contacted at You can read more at

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

An Island Schedule....

As you have probably noticed from the television news (I would imagine) we have been surrounded with rain since Sunday evening. A tropical storm has meandered up the coast line leaving us all using our bright yellow rain apparall and boots.

It doesn't stop our activities, however!

Yesterday morning, Susan Sullie, a writer and photographer spent her day on Ocracoke looking for a charming, quaint cottage to put in her new book of Southern Coastal Cottages. The moment she walked into Philip's, she knew that she would choose his. Well, it is wonderful, old quaint, charming, full of history. (See this week's passage on the Sunday Passage site.) She and her husband, Tom, are photographing there all day today.

We invited them to join us in a celebatory pot luck supper for a local woman who just received her PhD. It was to be held out on the lawn, but because of the weather, we all trekked over to the Community Center. As we spread out the food boasting of everything from pasta salads to Ocracoke fig cake (Philip made that!) we all held hands and each, in turn, gave thanks for blessings in our lives.

Following the pot luck we meandered back through puddles and humidity to the house where we gave our ghost and history walk....indoors. We told the stories together with just candle light and the light gusting of the wind through the trees. It was a magical evening. Susan and Tom joined us there as well.

Oh, we are working in the shop as well!

Tonight Philip and I are performing together at the Opry...we are doing an old time radio show using the news of Ocracoke in the 40's.

Tomorrow we are off to Norfolk for the day!

Lou Ann Homan is a writer, teacher, and storyteller who lives in Angola, Indiana. She is available for writing seminars, storytelling, and speaking engagements. She can be contacted at You can read more at

Friday, June 23, 2006

A Day Off

Thursday is our official day off (OK, we have a couple of other days too!!)...but it is the day we try to plan nothing!

We began the day by having breakfast with author, Audrey Penn and her friend, Pierre! The talk ranged from book editing to a body's electrical system. Several hours later, we found ourselves on the front pizer sizzling in the summer sun and wondering how to spend that lovely afternoon. Philip appeared to be coming down with a cold so he chose napping in the hammock on the back porch. I, feeling quite well and energetic, took to the beach for several miles of sand walking. I soon left the life guard beach and had miles of sand and water all to myself.

By dusk we were both revived and cooked out late in the back yard. A friend stopped over, shared dinner with us, a bottle of wine and lovely conversation.

It was a wonderful day off.

Lou Ann Homan is a writer, teacher, and storyteller who lives in Angola, Indiana. She is available for writing seminars, storytelling, and speaking engagements. She can be contacted at You can read more at

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First Day of Summer

If the calendar didn't boast the first day of summer, I would have known it anyway. We awoke to deep, heavy muggy skies and temperature. But...still we resist the air conditioning. We have had cool northern breezes all summer and the windows wide open during the night time.

The night time skies are filled with soft scented cedar and the occasional rustle of tree boughs.
I think that might be come to an end this evening as the hum of cool air will make sleeping a possibility.

Tonight Philip tells stories at the Opry and I take tickets.
Afterwards we are heading to the beach for a late night (11:00) walk to celebrate the Solstice.

When my children were home with me, we always had wonderful celebrations on the farm with fairy princesses (and princes)...stories...rose petals...and candles afloat on the pond.

Wherever you are light a candle...a sparkler...sing a by the light of the moon..or walk hand in hand on the beach.

Happy Solstice

Lou Ann Homan is a writer, teacher, and storyteller who lives in Angola, Indiana. She is available for writing seminars, storytelling, and speaking engagements. She can be contacted at You can read more at

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Promise Is a Promise is a Promise....

Solstice resolutionss (Yes, I know it starts tomorrow, not today, but be prepared is my first resolution!

1. Be prepared.

2. Take yoga class (twice a week!)

3. Swim or walk every day

4. Write a thousand words a day

5. Write my blog every day

There is more, but that is all I intend to make public!! I'll let you know my Solstice plans later...although it looks like Philip and I will be making a late night trek to the beach to watch the stars and planets on my favorite day of the year.

The Solstice begins at 8:29 tomorrow morning...take a moment to make your own resolutions or just bask in the glory of life.

Lou Ann

Lou Ann Homan is a writer, teacher, and storyteller who lives in Angola, Indiana. She is available for writing seminars, storytelling, and speaking engagements. She can be contacted at You can read more at

Farewell, Mom.

  Mom and Dad with the six kids!! I am the one with the long hair! I love a houseful of folks. I love looking down the hallway at night and ...